Sunday 27 October 2013

I am Happy

Ways to be happier

The better part of your true happiness or unhappiness depends on your own point of view, and not upon our situation.  Even if things aren’t ideal now, think of all the beauty things around you.  A good reason to smile is always one thought away. Catch that moment to Live Happy Life
Unhappiness is gap between what we have now, and what we think to have. But the truth of Life is we don’t want to acquire anything more than, what we already have for true happiness
Life is magnificent not because someone says it is, or because you have acquired amazing, but because of you choose to see it.  Don’t allow your “I am happy” to be held hostage.  It is always yours choice to decide to live happy life

Happy Thoughts: Mind other people’s business.

Forget what other people are doing.  Stop looking where they are and what they have.  Nobody is doing better than you since nobody can do better than you.  You are on your own path. You listen to the noise of the world, instead of yourselves.  So stop the comparisons! Ignore the distraction. Listen to your own inner voice.  Mind your own business, think happy. Keep your best wishes and your prime goals close to your heart and devote your time to that all days.  Keep doing what you know and what your heart says right, for YOU.  Because when you are paying attention on significant work with peace in mind, almost nothing can shake from make you happy 

Make me Happy- Seek own Support

When you are satisfied to simply be yourself, without comparing and challenging to impress others, everyone will respect you.  And even more importantly, you will also respect yourself then you can say, I am happy.

Forget what people think and say about you.  Focus on how you feel yourself, and keep walking on your own way. Those who accept you are your friends and those who don’t are your teachers. 
If someone calls you something is true, it’s not your problem because it’s true. 
Vise-a-Versa if it’s not true, it’s not your problem because it’s not true. 

Whatever they call you is not your problem.  What other people call you is their problem…
What you call yourself, and what you make a decision to become, is your problem. 

Simple ways to be happy

What happened in the past is one chapter in your legend; don’t close the book, just turn the page.
Forgiveness is the remedy.  It allows you to focus on the future without fighting the past.  To understand the potential of going forward is to forgive things behind you.  Without forgiveness, wounds can never be healed and individual growth can’t achieve.  It doesn't mean you’re erasing the past, or forget what happened.  It means you’re letting go of the unpleasantness and hurt, and in its place choose to learn from the incident and move on your life to be happier.

Accept the truth. Stand Firm

If you resist truth, you will live in lie. You simply can’t keep away from truth by moving dishonestly from one place to another.
So don’t try to hide the truth with dishonesty.  It takes courage and strength to admit the truth, but it is the only way to truthfully live.  Accept what is, hold in your arms it fully, and live in true happiness   for the potential that are positioned ahead.

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